Info Pelatihan IT Project Management Tahun 2021. 2022
- Kepada Yth
- Kepala Dinas Dan Manager / Pimpinan Perusahaan
- Cq. roject Managers, Architects & Groups Leaders, Functional & Line Managers, IT. Juga dapat dihadiri oleh Developers and Staff, Advanced Project Managers, Senior Managers, Business Analysts, PMO/Project Specialist, Technical, Non-Technical, Pharma/Biomed, dan lain-lain.
Dengan Hormat
- Memahami IT project life cycle
- Memahami metodologi Project Management
- Membuat IT project business case, schedule, dan budget
- Mengestimasi IT project costs
- Melakukan procurement untuk human resources dan capital resources
- Memahami Resiko pada IT projects
- Mengidentifikasi, Menilai, dan mengelola Resiko
- Membuat Metrik-Metrik Quality
- Memonitor Project Progress
- Bagaimana menggunakan PM Software – Microsoft Project dalam scheduling dan budgeting IT Projects
Materi Info Pelatihan IT Project Management Tahun 2021. 2022
- IT Project Failure and Success
- Reasons for IT Project Failure
- Reasons for IT Project Success
- How to Plan for IT Project Success
- IT Projects: What Makes Them Different?
- Project Management Foundation
- Project Management Institute’s (PMI) framework
- Project Management Basics
- Project Management Life Cycle
- Project Management Knowledge Areas
- Triple Constraints of Project Management
- Types of Project Organizations
- Project Initiation
- Project Selection and Prioritization
- Business Case Development
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Project Charter
- Project Objectives
- Constraints and Assumptions
- Project Scope Definition
- Scope Statement
- Requirements: Defining and Gathering
- Identifying requirements
- Approaches to elicit requirements
- Functional vs. technical requirements
- Requirements traceability
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Identifying tasks and activities
- WBS dictionary
- Time Management and Scheduling
- Activity Definition
- Activity Sequencing
- Estimating Activity Duration
- Network Diagramming
- Critical Path
- Float and Lag
- Resource Planning
- Identify Required Project Resources
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Resource Assignment Matrix
- Staffing Management
- Resource Constraints
- Cost Management and Control
- Cost Estimating Techniques
- Types of Estimates
- Contingency and Management Reserves
- Typical IT Expenditures
- Controlling and Managing Costs
- Earned Value Analysis
- Communications Management
- Manage Stakeholder Expectations
- Considerations for Effective Communication
- Communication Management Plan
- Project Status Report
- Project Risk Management
- Risk Sources for the IT Project
- Stakeholder Risk Tolerance
- Risk Identification
- Risk Rankin
- Risk Triggers
- Risk Response Strategies
- Procurement and Sourcing
- Role of the Project Manager in Procurement
- Build or Buy
- Sourcing Management
- Procurement Life Cycle
- Procurement Documents
- Contract Requirements and Legal Terms
- Contract Types
- Project Management Methodologies
- Stage-Gate
- Organizational Project Management Maturity Model
- Critical Chain
- IT Project Management Methodologies
- Extreme Project Management
- Waterfall
- Rapid Application Development
- Rational Unified Model
- Capability Maturity Model Integrated
- Controlling and Managing Change
- Causes of Change
- Change Control Framework
- Integrated Change Control
- Change Control Process
- Change Control Tools
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Creating Project Quality
- Quality Management Theories
- Quality Tools and Techniques
- IT Project Testing
- Phase and Project Closure
- Contract Closeout
- Administrative Closure
- Lessons Learned
- Phase and Project Reports
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